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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Five for Friday and some Freebies

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for her "Five for Friday" linky party. I've never done this linky party before, so I'm really excited! Well, here goes! 


I went into school on Saturday morning to get some work done. I will be back at school after ten weeks away, so I wanted to make sure the room was all ready for the kids on Monday. I created this board for the kids' fourth quarter AR points. 


My husband and I made our requisite trip to Disneyland to capture a picture for Easter. 


We went to Santa Barbara for a few days and had an amazing time. We spent some time near the beautiful beach!


I spent some time at a phenomenal children's bookstore. I was in heaven and spent way too much money! 


We did lots of sight seeing while we were away. Here's a pic of the Santa Barbara Courthouse - its clock tower had the most incredible panoramic view of the city! 
We had such a wonderful time eating great food and relaxing. 

Well, here's one last thing to leave you with... this week while I was on break, I did lots of work to get ready for the end of the year. Both my second and fourth grade classes will be reading stories about firefighters. I created some activities for the kids to do with the stories. Here are the activities! I hope that you enjoy them. Just click on the picture to download them. 

Here are the 2nd grade activities.

Here are the 4th grade activities.

I hope you all have a great Friday and a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Katie!
    You got shouted out in my Shout Out Linky Party and I can see why! :)
    Smiles - Lisa
    Growing Firsties



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