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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

FInd Someone Who

   Today I decided to do some review with my third and sixth graders. The English program that we use is pretty difficult, so I wanted to make sure that the kids were practicing all the skills that we had learned. We did an activity called "Find Someone Who." All of the kids did a really great job with it. For this activity, the kids walked around the room and found people who could answer each of the questions. Then they had that person sign their paper. 

Here are some pictures of my third graders having fun with this activity. 

They all had lots of fun and enjoyed walking around the room. 
I also did this same assignment with my sixth graders and they did a great job as well. Here are some pictures of them having fun: 

I think the sixth graders got more into this assignment than the third graders did. It was really fun to watch them get so excited that they knew one of the answers. 
 I am going to include the activity for you to try in your classroom. I even added some fun Thanksgiving clip art to make it a little more festive. 

I also changed my AR bulletin board for my second graders today. Here is a picture of what I created. 

I am really happy with how it came out. Every child in my class has a different point goal based on their reading level. They will get to move the penguin for the different percentages that they complete towards their goal. 
I hope you all have a great rest of your night. It is time for bed for me. 4:30 a.m. comes pretty fast! 


  1. Neat idea. What were the questions they had to find? I've done this before around a subject or as an ice breaker at the beginning of the year. Thanks for giving me some ideas. Might do this mid year after holiday breaks to get them back in the "game" so to speak.

  2. I included a copy of the activity. Just click on the download button and it will take you right to it. I included questions about nouns and verbs. We use the shurley method at our school so I also had some questions that related to their jingles that they sing.

  3. Hi! I nominated you today for a Liebster Blog Award. Come check out your nomination and find out how you can spread the word about your blog!
    :) Tracey
    Multiage Days



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