I love sharing picture books in my classroom! Fall is one of my favorite times of year to share picture books, and today I am going to share some of my favorite picture books with you!
Fall is the perfect time to learn all about apples and pumpkins. I love taking time to teach my students about how apples and pumpkins grow and what makes them special during the Fall. It is also great to have field trips for your students, like to an apple orchard or the pumpkin patch.
The topic of Autumn is another great subject to share. There are so many great activities that happen in the Fall and it is really fun to read about that. Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn is a perfect story for this. Awesome Autumn is another great picture book all about the Fall season.
I love using picture books for Halloween. There are so many great topics that you can cover leading up to Halloween. I like to cover a different Halloween topic and book each week leading up to the holiday. I enjoy doing a week all about spiders. Stellaluna by Janelle Cannon and Spiders by Gail Gibbons are some of my favorites. I love to do another week all about pumpkins. A couple of my favorite books for this topic are Pumpkin Jack by Will Hubble and The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons. All four of these books allow students to compare fiction literature with nonfiction literature. I think it is so important to introduce nonfiction books and stories as much as possible. During the weeks leading up to Halloween, I also love to share fun stories like Creepy Carrots by Aaron Reynolds and Peter Brown and I Need My Monster by Amanda Knoll. There are so many fun books for the month of October and Halloween!
Thanksgiving is another great time for Picture Books. I love to share Thanksgiving stories with my students all of November, but I really beef it up the week leading up to the holiday. The week before the holiday, I like to read a story each day. Sometimes I will tie it in with our reading instruction and sometimes I will read the stories for our read aloud time. The students love to listen to stories. They don’t care when you share the books, as long as they are being shared! Some of my favorites for Thanksgiving are Turk and Runt by Lisa Wheeler and A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting. Fry Bread is a great story about the Native Americans and how they make fry bread. This is a fun story to share leading up to Thanksgiving.
Fall is the perfect time to read picture books that teach about math and science. One of my all time favorite books to read is How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? By Margret McNamara. This book allows me to introduce some really interesting concepts for math and science. My students always enjoy learning about estimation. I break my students up into 3 different groups and give each group a different size pumpkin, and they count the seeds that are inside the pumpkin. It is always fun to guess the amount of seeds and then see the excitement of the kids as they realize the amount of seeds does not have anything to do with the size of the pumpkin. I also use this book to do pumpkin investigations while we have the pumpkins open. This is a highlight of the fall season for my students. Another book that I always use in the Fall is From Seed to Pumpkin by Wendy Pfeffer. This book is great for teaching the science behind how pumpkins are grown. This would be a great time to have students grow their own plants so they can see steps in growing a plant, and it would also be a great time to visit a pumpkin patch so they can see how the steps of how pumpkins are grown in real life.
There are so many wonderful topics that you can cover during the Fall. Your students will enjoy learning about apples, pumpkins, Halloween and Thanksgiving. Let me know in the comments what your favorite picture books are for the Fall. What are your favorite activities to do with your students? I can’t wait to try them out in the future!

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