Open House is a time to show off your students and the work that they are accomplishing. The best way to do this is by having your students lead the Open House. Students love taking the responsibility for the event! They really enjoy touring their parents around the classroom, and they are always so proud to show off all the amazing work they have been doing. Here are a few things to put into place to make the event a success:
The first thing that I always do for our student-led open house is to create a sheet of student directions. This can be a checkoff sheet for students to go through, or a graphic for students to use. The student directions help the students take ownership of the event. I love having my students help come up with the steps they should take. This is another way that students take ownership and helps them remember the order to do things.
The next thing that is important to do for a student-led open house is to have stations set up for your students. Stations are a great way to help students know the order to do things at the event, and they enjoy helping create the list of stations. The stations can be placed around the classroom at different tables. You can have students show their work and projects that they are doing, or you can even have the students do an activity with their parents and family while they are at the Open House.
Open House is a time to display all your student's work. One content area that is exciting to show are math activities. I love to show crafts that display concepts in math that students are learning. Crafts are a great way to have students share their learning, and Math crafts are also a great activity to have students do with their families at the open house.
The last type of work that I love to display in the classroom for open house is language arts work. This is another content area that goes well with crafts. I love to have my students complete a writing activity and then do a craft that goes along with the writing. This is great to display in the classroom and students love to show off the writing that they have done to their parents. Crafts that display grammar skills are another great way to display students' work.
Open house is a fun school event that lets others see all the great work your students are doing! Doing a student-led open house is a great way for your students to share their work. It is also a great way for your students to take great responsibility in their learning. Your students will love to take their families around the classroom and show them everything they have learned.

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