Well I am sitting here in Starbucks catching up on my blogging. I am sorry I have not been around lately. I have been so busy since school got out. I am finishing up my Masters Degree which has taken a ton of time and I am looking for a job for next year. But I am finally able to take a breath and write about what has been happening this summer. I am sorry that this post does not have a lot to do with school.
My husband and I just got back from a wonderful trip to San Diego. We didn't go very far this summer, but it was just what we needed. Some time away to rest and relax before I start my second half of student teaching. I think we slept in every day till 12. Ok well maybe I didn't sleep in that late, but I did sleep in most of the time we were gone. It was wonderful!!
Here you can see some of the fun things we did while we were gone.
My husband and I love desserts. So of course we had to try lots of great places.
These were just a couple of the things we tried out.
While we were gone, my husband finally got to do something that he has always wanted to do. He went paragliding in La Jolla. I have to say it did look fun and I think I might have to try this one out the next time we are in the area.
And of course we did lots of laying out at the beach. I finally got a chance to start this great book that has been going around the blogiverse. I am so excited to keep reading it!
The final thing for today. I am thinking about starting a TPT store. I will post all about it when it is up and running!
I hope you all are having an amazing summer.

I nominated you for a Liebster award. : ) You can check out my blog if you want to accept it. Best of luck with your blog! Enjoy your summer : )
Kids Math Teacher